Jeffrey Spiegel, MD

“We’ve grown substantially with PatientNOW and it has provided much better control of our office. What I like about PatientNOW is that it’s flexible, intuitive, and easy to understand.”

How to Streamline the Patient Payment Process with RxPayments

Since RxPayments is fully integrated with our PatientNow suite of practice management software, it’s a cinch to accomplish everything from invoicing and estimates to sales and inventory tracking.

Top 4 Tactics to Improve Retail Skincare Sales in Your Practice

Did you know that around 18-20 percent of your practice's revenue should be driven by your retail sales? Retail skin care should be an integral part of your practices’ business…

Strategic Marketing Concepts Relating to IV Therapy

In this episode, we invite Audrey Neff to share her expertise and experience with our audience on how to strategically market to your patients in a variety of ways in…