Digital Marketing Software

Captivate Your Audience and
Boost Profitability

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Elevate Your Brand for
Irresistible Allure

There’s no stronger endorsement than online comments from satisfied clients. Request post-procedure reviews, track feedback, respond to comments and encourage satisfied customers to spread the word.

Break through online clutter and reach more prospects. PatientNow has the tools to develop, segment, promote and analyze your marketing campaigns.

Build your following with digital marketing tools. Quickly develop automated campaigns targeted by service, demographics or other attributes so customers receive the offers they’re most interested in.

Make a stronger impact with a range of message delivery tactics including seamless, automated email deployment, SMS/text messages, a patient portal and apps.

Build Effective Campaigns Effortlessly

Choose from a wide range of email templates to reach your audiences with targeted messaging that gets results. Automated sequences and responses will encourage prospects and customers to book appointments. Marketing features include:

  • List management and segmenting
  • Campaign management and statistics
  • Email and text automation

Connect on a Personal Level

Text and email are optimal ways to stay in touch with your clients. Whether you’re sending reminders or promotions, the right vehicle delivers your message effectively — and gets you noticed. Channel messaging features include:

  • Hundreds of pre-designed email templates
  • Customizable email templates
  • Marketing emails and texts
Digital marketing for aesthetic practices

Supercharge Your Marketing with AI

Using artificial intelligence can save time, improve lead conversion, increase treatment acceptance and boost patient retention. Because AI tools are built directly into PatientNow, you can eliminate the guesswork of using tools like ChatGPT and the inefficiency of switching between platforms. Now, AI features are built into our:

  • SMS messaging setup
  • Email template tool
  • Automated sequences configuration

Get the Unmatched Allure of a
Spotless Reputation

In aesthetics, where perception reigns supreme, our reputation management software is a game changer. Solicit feedback, showcase positive reviews and effortlessly reroute any challenges to your support team. You’ll ensure a pristine online presence that resonates with trust and quality.

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Take Control of Your Image with Canva

Create a genuine connection between your audience and your business. Canva, the world’s premier post creator, is seamlessly embedded into PatientNow, empowering you to craft attention-grabbing posts that drive traffic to your website and boost sales.

Getting personal with your audience will boost your efforts. Share promotions, introduce new hires and showcase office events. Use the Canva Scheduler to effortlessly plan, schedule and automate posts, track engagement and maximize your online impact.

Take Digital Marketing to the Next Level

In addition to our built-in marketing features, PatientNow optimizes and markets your website for you through comprehensive digital marketing services, including:

  • Website development
  • SEO/SEM (search engine optimization and marketing)
  • Content creation
  • Social media
  • Outbound marketing

Ready to Learn More?

See PatientNow in action and get all of your questions answered by our experienced team.

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