A Before and After Photo of a Woman's Face
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KnowNow Blog

Build a Library of Quality Before and After Photos with RxPhoto

Before and after photos are the lifeblood of any med spa. They’re authentic proof of the quality of your work and your ability to satisfy customers.

A picture tells a thousand words, and when prospects see your gallery online, they see the kind of expertise you bring to the table. 

They want for themselves what you’ve proven you can do for others, and now they have evidence that they can trust you to make it happen. 

Building a Library Poses a Real Challenge 

It doesn’t matter if you’ve just gotten off the ground or your med spa has been in business for many years. When trying to take your marketing to the next level with a gallery of before and after photos, it’s hard to build a solid library. 

A large collection of quality photos is just the beginning. A great library needs to account for many principles in photography, including:  

  • A consistent format 
  • High quality 
  • Proper alignment 
  • Uniform lighting 
  • Great angles

In other words, you need the expertise that a professional photographer can bring. But you and your staff aren’t professional photographers — you’re experts in elective procedures. And if you’re ready to build a professional library of photos, you know you can prove it. 


High-quality, high-resolution photos make the results of your work easy to see with only a glance. The results must also show up dramatically enough that any viewer can look at the pictures and say “wow.” 

Not every case checks that box. So as you build your gallery, you need to maximize the chances that the clients who get the most dramatic results will share their results. 


The attention spans of people browsing the internet shrink year after year. Don’t cling to their limited attention for as long as you can. Instead, deliver as much information in as short of a time span as possible. 

As clients browse a landing page, a consistent format means their brains don’t need time to adjust to a new visual layout for every image. 

A consistent format means that the photos for a given procedure should be identical in  as many ways as possible, including: 

  • Posing 
  • Lighting 
  • Positioning and composition 
  • Focus 
  • Angle 
  • Level of detail 

It’s not easy for user-level photography, or even pictures taken in the clinic by an experienced employee, to reach the level of consistency your website needs. 


Even with elective procedures, your med spa has a duty to provide informed consent to your clients before you use their pictures. To give consent, patients need to sign forms.

When they have a dozen other sheets of paper to read at your med spa as they begin plans for a procedure, they’re less willing to go through the process. They see a form they can check “no” on and move on.

There must be a better way. 

How RxPhoto Makes It Easy 

In addition to the many other CRM benefits AestheticNow provides, the RxPhoto functions communicate clear, concise information to customers to get the best photos possible. 

Want to see what integrated payments can do for your practice?

Built-In Digital Consent Forms 

To get the best possible photos, you first need to get the photos.

Rather than being one more paper in the stack of forms at the spa, digital consent forms send information to the customer to read on their own device at their own convenience. 

And when they’re relaxed and on their own time, the odds are better that they’ll say yes. 

Secure digital signatures go beyond immediate feedback, which is a benefit all on its own. They keep the entire convenient process stored in secure PatientNow record systems to ensure proper HIPAA compliance and easy access later.

Gone are the days when flood or fire could wipe out years of archived records. HIPAA-compliant cloud storage keeps consent forms safe no matter what. 

Effortless, Consistent Photos

Once you have the client’s consent tucked away in a secure digital archive, it’s time to take the picture and share their success. 

Most patients and staff aren’t professional photographers, but professional-quality photos are key to your success. RxPhoto makes it possible to create them. 

On-Screen Guides 

Our quality on-screen guides help even the busiest and most inexperienced photographers to get the perfect shot. We provide guidelines and templates for every attribute of photography, including: 

  • Angle 
  • Lighting 
  • Composition 
  • Rotation 
  • Distance 

With clear, easy-to-follow advice and in-application videos to accommodate visual learners, any photographer can capture dazzling images certain to excite prospective clients. 

Ghosting and Alignment 

Time — sometimes a long time — separates before and after photos. Even with excellent on-screen guides, it’s not easy to get the exact same picture separated by weeks or months. 

Since RxPhoto is designed from the ground up for elective procedure providers, it has a solution: transparent overlays. 

Rather than requiring multiple takes or a best-fit match after the fact (which takes more time and energy and yields imperfect results), RxPhoto displays a translucent image of the client’s before picture over the camera screen to make alignment a snap. 

This perfect alignment creates a much better pair for before and after sliders. We recommend sliders over side-by-sides because they do more to bring the results closer together than any other display. They help website browsers engage with your quality content all on the same page. 

When you condense site navigation and reduce clicks, you increase interest and the chances of a successful conversion. 

Try RxPhoto Today 

It’s easy to see the benefits of RxPhoto as a standalone product to help you build the ultimate photo gallery from the ground up. 

But RxPhoto isn’t a standalone photography program. It’s one small part of the full suite of AestheticNow products. This comprehensive package covers everything you need from a medical CRM to billing to marketing to patient portals. 

Try our trial license today to reap the rewards of the ultimate PatientNow set of solutions, built with med spas in mind from the very beginning.

Ready to convert more consults to procedures? RxPhoto can help.

The industry’s only complete solution to managing all aspects of elective medical practices, built specifically for today’s modern medical landscape.